TSD Regularity

It is a motor sport that can be enjoyed by anyone with virtually any sort of motor vehicle. Not to be confused with PRO rallying, which is a form of racing, Regularity Run is a course-following event involving control of vehicle speed. Competitive teams comprise of a driver and navigator utilizing a set of instructions detailing the course they must follow and the speeds they must travel. Since public roads are used for those events, speeds are set at or below the posted legal speed limits. The goal is to follow the course correctly and arrive on time at checkpoints encountered along the way. Scoring is based on the difference between the competitor’s actual arrival time versus their calculated arrival time at the checkpoint.

These events provide rallying thrills as well as promote safe driving habits.

Who Can Participate?

  • Anyone who has a valid licence, a car in good condition and a spirit of adventure
  • A team should have a primary driver, a navigator / co-driver and can have a team correspondent
  • All participants have to be above 18 years of age, in good health and drivers should posses valid driver’s licence.
  • The drivers should apply to FMSCI for 4W Club Sport Rally licence 
  • Details & forms available : http://licence.fmsci.co.in/

How to participate ?

  • After going through all details please click on Registration
  • Fill in the forms & make your payment – details are provided
  • Then apply for your FMSCI 4 W Club license http://licence.fmsci.co.in/
  • After your registration before the 25th of August you will have to scan & submit on-line the following documents

  1. Valid driver’s licence
  2. FMSCI 4W club licence
  3. Vehicle Registration Certificate
  4. Rally insurance
  5. Car insurance
  6. Indemnity bond
  7. Pollution certificate
  8. THD Payment receipt
  9. Vehicle owner release duly signed
  10. Medical fitness certificate>

  • There will be an orientation for all participants on the 23rd of September